Unless you play 3000 points or more then the limit is raised to 6 Up to 50% of your points can be spent on special and you can only have up to 3 of the same unit.You must field at least 3 non-character units. At least 25% of your points must be spent on core.Only up to 25% of your points may be spent on heroes.Only up to 25% of your points total may be spent lords.Battle standards now give all units re-rolls for all leadership testsĪlong with all the rules changes affecting your army choice there are also the following limitations:.Scouts may now deploy up to 12” away of the enemy, but may not charge first turn.This means half the models behind the first two ranks may fire If you are charged by a terror causing unit you must pass a panic check or flee. Terror causing creatures create fear in fear causing units.However, they get unlimited reforms and may fire on the march Skirmishers no longer see 360 and they move as normal troops.When fighting a fear causing unit you must pass a Ld test or fight at Ws 1 So magic resistance 1 adds 1 to your ward save against magical spells. Magic resistance now adds to your ward against magic.However, if a battle standard or general is on a large target the range of their abilities is increased to 18” Fast cavalry now have a vanguard rule which means they can move 12” before the battle begins.Breath weapons are now one use only, however, you can use it in combat to get 2d6 hits at the strength of the weapon.Loads of new rules that models don’t exist for. Wizards may use bound items or spells if you failed to cast a spell earlier, however, you do not add your magic level to the roll.If the bound spell is casted as an innate ability the model cannot cast again If you cast your bound item or spell with irresistible force the item is destroyed.Bound spells now need power dice to cast.Wizards add their level to the dispell roll.Irresistible dispels do not cause a miscast However, if you roll an irresistible force the spell is cast as in 7th ed and the caster suffers a miscast on a really nasty table! If you fail to cast a spell the wizard can not cast again this phase.You cast as before, but if your total is less than 3 you fail to cast.You may never have more than 12 power or dispel dice Each wizard may generate an extra dispel/power die for the pool if they roll a 6.The highest roll is the number of dispel dice Every magic phase your army generates 2d6 power dice.Players can switch between casters at any time.Wizard levels now add to your casting roll and do not generate power dice.